I wondered if I was the only mother ever to get teary-eyed when hearing her child read for the first time? Will any other mothers confess? Either way I did, and I feel a bit dorky that I did. I thought I could blame the hormones but the calendar was proof hormones did not play a factor. I guess I'm just an over emotional mom great!
Nothing I should be ashamed of though, and it really was just a mother being proud of hearing her child read for the first time. A mother's recognition that her child is growing up, a mother being proud that he has accomplished so much. Little Z does have some learning delays so hearing him read was really amazing. He is has improved so much since he started at the beginning of the year. I know he is going to have some struggles maybe forever or perhaps he will overcome it all. I am just so proud of him. He has really beaten the odds, and It really is the school and parents working together that can make sure our children succeed in life and be ready for the world.