Have you ever had an awesome Mommy moment?
Motherhood amazes me, and humbles me for I am always a new mom, even though my bouncing baby boy is 7 years old now. Every stage/age of his life it is like I am a new mom. For every age group you face, faces new challenges.
Now I am sure I have had other awesome Mommy moments, but this one inspired me to write about it. It is back to school time as we all know. My son is now in second grade. He forgot to pick out his clothes for today last night(Though I told him to do so, he said he was too tired.) so I laid out something for him. Upon wake up he did not like the t-shirt I picked. Then he decided he did not want to wear shorts I picked out for him either he wanted to wear pants. This was all fine till he started throwing a drama fit over his pants. He liked none of his pants now either because they buttoned, and not snap button like his shorts(Seriously my son?)I come in to see his pants were strewn all over the place because he was upset none of them snapped. I tired to reason with him calmly, but to no avail. The drama tantrum pursues he doesn't want to go to school now! He does not like second grade! I look at the clock to see time is running out, as well as my patience. Why must we start the day this way? So I yell he is grounded today and tomorrow over his behavior. If he had picked out his clothes last night like I told him we not be in this mess, but he did not. He finally dresses, but he is now upset with me and does not want me for his mommy anymore. I say fine with me! Now go get socks and shoes on!
We then get into the car and I say, "Zachery can I have a kiss." He leans over and kisses me, and says. "I love you mommy I am sorry I acted out." I say, "I am sorry I got upset with you too." This was an awesome Mommy moment! What parent and child does not fight? It is when your child then comes and apologizes to you realizing they did do wrong. That is amazing, and I would assume a big thing for a child to do. In honor of that courage I as a parent admit I am sorry too that I lost my temper with him. I love him him no matter how mad I get . My life would be incomplete without him. I think this was an amazing Mommy and child moment don't you? ^_~
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Teacher + Parent = Child Success

Have you heard the saying it takes a village to raise a child? I never knew that saying was so true until today. Maybe the saying should be it takes a parent and a good teacher to lead to your child's success. While we may have the no child left behind act my son could of still fallen between the cracks if I wasn't such an annoying parent I think. But my son does have speech, and learning disability so when asking him how his day went its kind of confusing. So it made sense that I want to know everyday how his was? Right? I would of seriously done that, but I didn't...well I tried not to. I didn't want to come off too OCP that stands for Obsessive Compulsive Parenting.
My boy now is in first grade, and at progress report/report card time last year it was not good. If he didn't improve in second quarter he probably would not pass 1st grade. My heart sank and I felt I failed him. The school can only do so much. I need to work with him at home too, and I got a cold reminder of this. I knew this and I slacked on my parental duties. No way was I going to let my son fall behind. I was not going to yell at him either, or ground him.We were in this together. His biggest worry was Reading at the time or progress report/ report card last year he was way way below his level. He also would throw tantrums at the sight of a book like it was his kryptonite. I devised a reading method where got him books I knew he could read which were his kindergarten books. He would read two of those so he was feeling pretty confident. I'd then sneak in a harder book. I did this till we are now reading full bigger books. I am now proud to say as of current in the latest progress report my son is now reading at first grade level. Could even be the best reader at the end of the school year out of the whole class. "Seriously?" My son beams with pride. I just can not believe it. To me this shows that it take both a parent and a teacher to teach our children how to truly soar in education.
*** Parenting Confession*** To be honest there have been times where I just didn't want to practice writing, or reading with my son. I just did not want to put up with the rebel. It be a lot easier to just let him watch TV. Could not do that though we had to conquer the reading beast! Oh while he is doing so good in school still does not stop him from being grounded when you do wrong so mama says!
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