Friday, September 18, 2009

Child's Need Before Your Own

*It's been a long time since I've posted. I have had computer and health issues that prevented such*

Putting Children's needs before your own. It sounds right and it's what every parent should do correct?

Yes...yet if YOU are not there for them then how smart is that? This is especially important if you're the only parent. Being a single mom I have learn you do have to not forget about yourself. I still have issues with this hence the huge mistake that I have fallen into recently.
My health. I have totally neglected myself till my body is like well if your not gonna listen to the warning signs I'm giving you I'm gonna MAKE YOU LISTEN! Ended up in the emergency room and I will tell you my son was a good trooper. He got his brother in law who took me too the emergency room. The diagnosis was vertigo the cause behind this vertigo is still uncertain and I still have it from time to time. I had stopped taking the pills for it but I'm back on them again along with being told I got Hypertension which is high blood pressure. Add in my chronic back pain, and oh my medicines make me totally like zombie mom. I feel so disconnected. I am now having to look into another line of work cause I'm just too out it to go back to the positions I normally would do.
So this is out to all parents do not forget to take care of yourself too. Mentally and physically.

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