Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day After Christmas

It's the day after Christmas and the energy is winding down.

We opened presents on a freezing rain Christmas Eve. It is a Swedish tradition that we still keep up in honor of our Mom. We almost lost tradition this year but it still prevailed.My cat though decided to chew my Christmas lights so half our tree became unlighted. My son cried thinking Santa is not going to come cause our tree is not lighted right but I assured him Santa will know. We then bought cookies for Santa but my son could not contain his love for cookies and ate them all. Oh this was turning out to be GREAT Christmas! GRR! I was on the verge of Bah Humbug, but really I could not just help but smile on the inside so half our tree is lighted its no big deal.

On Christmas Eve we have a light meal of meats and dips and cheese spreads on crackers then open presents. My son was so excited and jumping and dancing. He got slippers, socks, sponge bob underwear, the of course TOYS! a racer car, Playmobil pirate play sets, puzzles video games. May I mention the "some assembly may be required" is a bunch of BS! Good thing Mommy knows how to improvise cause I do not know what the hell they were thinking in their directions my gods!

Christmas Day of course Santa came. I conveniently got Creme de mint cookies for a present so we got to leave milk and cookies out for Santa. I get woken up I'm not sure what time Christmas Morning to a little voice saying can I open my present. I mumbled yes then I hear and happy squeal voice. It was a Playmobil Knights play and go play set. He wanted this, and it's suppose to be a travel play set but it really doesn't travel well, annnd it came with a play sword and shield which might not of been the best. I think I'm going to be tossing the sword out. The play set was my goal. Also on Christmas day we have the big Christmas meal and it was yummy. We also played in the Christmas snow which was light fluffy and angelic! The prefect snow. A perfect Christmas.

Friday, December 11, 2009

I'm Starting to Think My Son Is Not Human

I am sick once again. I got the flu shot and it seems to of made my immune system go gimme gimme for everything else. Here I am sick again and my son has been sick free. While I am happy and blessed! I am very happy my baby is not getting sick, BUT!!!! I am beginning to wonder is this boy HUMAN??? I am grateful he is not getting ill yes yes, though I am also starting to feel a ting of jealousy over the kid. Watch now he gets sick after I say this (winces). I think he is getting ticked off at mommy for being sick all the time too. For mommy is no fun when she is sick and I pretty much quell snuggle cuddle time for I do not want to make him sick. This time he is not really caring and is going to have his cuddle time with me do or die. I told him no and then he proceeds to hug and cuddle me saying but I wanna cuddle! My gods how can you resist the cuddles of your child! I do not think I am that severe in illness so I give in. It always seems to happen after I am outside playing with him. I'm trying to be a good fun mom and what do I get? ILLNESS! Add on with Christmas and snow its a deadly mix to still be authoritative mom even when you can hardly talk and don't sound so threatening with a swollen lymph node voice. Just think I've just had my limit of being sick is all. So for give me if I protest too much.
The total illness count is Mommy 3 Zachery 0

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Days

Winter storm of 2009 has hit us as well as many other states around me here in the mid-west. Schools were closed. My son was upset there was not school, and I was hard to convince there was no school too. I watched the news and thought I saw our school district closed, but I want not sure cause I had looked away briefly. I then got a call stating schools were close due to lack of bus drivers calling in absent. I still was not sure I heard right so I looked online and sure enough the words from my computer convinced me. I blame this on it was early in the morning and my brain was still sleeping. Okay no school now what? I cheered my son up by saying we will go out and play in the snowy as he calls it. This years snow was not the light and fluffy pretty kind of snow. It was the wet slushy kind. Good for making snowman and snowballs, as me and my son had a lovely snowball fight. Afterwards we went inside and had hot coco and cinnamon bread for breakfast and warmed up wrapped in blankets. Best Mommy and son moment ever.

Side note though: Wet slushy snow though bad to shovel its sooo heavy! Not good on the back that already messed up and filled with arthritis. A girl though has to do what a girl has to do. I now write this laid up in bed on a heating pad and had to take one of my strong meds that I'm only to take when I really need to. Good news though my sidewalk and steps are shoveled!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Shopping Online: This Parents dream

This was previously posted on I'm sharing it here on my blog for its fitting.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Registering for Kindergarten

Last Friday was early registration for Kindergarten. It hit me then oh my baby is going to be in Kindergarten!!! I just can't believe he and he is five!! I often just stare and look at him. He is beautiful, this precious little human being that I created. I can not believe he is really here with me. He is literally a dream come to life. Just did not know I'd be alone in this, yet I accept the challenge greatly.

Okay so I thought his pre-k school was a school school. It is not, it only serves as a pre-k school. I was disappointed cause I really loved that school and they were wonderful and my son has improved a lot in his speech therapy. Sadly he will be moving onto a new school. I registered him early, and the school I want him to attend is our neighborhood school so it it likely he will get in my school of choice. I went to the school and so did my nephew so I'm a little comforted there. When I told my son he would be going to a new school he was nervous and scared and he didn't want to go to a new school. I assured him it wont be for awhile, and I admitted Mommy was scared too, I felt his fear plus yes I had my own worries. I know maybe as a parent you should not show weakness. My Mom never did when I was young, and she was like super Mom to me. I wanted to show my child different and think it might be better and to teach him its okay to be scared and nervous. Even Mommy gets scared, but Mommy will be brave and face her challenges head on and he will too. We will face it together when the time comes. I will show my son to be brave and to go for it!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Birthdays and Holidays

October is actually the start of the the whirlwind. November is the worst due to my son's birthday not being that far from Thanksgiving.

So last week was a bit hectic with birthday celebration, then Thanksgiving. Lets add my power cord to my laptop blew up literally. Blessings came though that I was able to make sure my son had a happy birthday. It was just me and him and it was nice and cozy. He knows it's me and he till the end and he can always count on Mommy. Even though he is close to his Aunt and Uncle we can't count on them really. They give false promises and think he wont remember cause he is just a kid. Oh kids remember and I still remember intentions well said, but empty in the end. Back on to topic we have started a tradition in which we celebrate at Toys R US. He is in their birthday club where he gets a hat and balloon and gift card. He picked out a Scooby Doo game to buy then we went for ice cream and he got a free box of Popsicles. We then went back home to have cake and ice cream. We pretty much lived off of cake and ice cream for that was all we had to eat really. Later in the day his Aunt came with her present which was a new game controller so he could play his new game. When asked at the end of the day if he had a happy birthday he smiled said YEAH! Sadly though he having a hard time letting his birthday go as I tell him his birthday is over now. So he goes around and sing Happy birthday to nobody cause he just gotta sing apparently. It's to cute and I just laugh. So I told him Mommy birthday is next so he excited for Mommy's birthday and wonder if there will be cake. He helped make a cake for me last year and wants to do it again. (With help of course.) Craziness is not over yet as Christmas looms OH MY!!