It's the day after Christmas and the energy is winding down.
We opened presents on a freezing rain Christmas Eve. It is a Swedish tradition that we still keep up in honor of our Mom. We almost lost tradition this year but it still prevailed.My cat though decided to chew my Christmas lights so half our tree became unlighted. My son cried thinking Santa is not going to come cause our tree is not lighted right but I assured him Santa will know. We then bought cookies for Santa but my son could not contain his love for cookies and ate them all. Oh this was turning out to be GREAT Christmas! GRR! I was on the verge of Bah Humbug, but really I could not just help but smile on the inside so half our tree is lighted its no big deal.
On Christmas Eve we have a light meal of meats and dips and cheese spreads on crackers then open presents. My son was so excited and jumping and dancing. He got slippers, socks, sponge bob underwear, the of course TOYS! a racer car, Playmobil pirate play sets, puzzles video games. May I mention the "some assembly may be required" is a bunch of BS! Good thing Mommy knows how to improvise cause I do not know what the hell they were thinking in their directions my gods!
Christmas Day of course Santa came. I conveniently got Creme de mint cookies for a present so we got to leave milk and cookies out for Santa. I get woken up I'm not sure what time Christmas Morning to a little voice saying can I open my present. I mumbled yes then I hear and happy squeal voice. It was a Playmobil Knights play and go play set. He wanted this, and it's suppose to be a travel play set but it really doesn't travel well, annnd it came with a play sword and shield which might not of been the best. I think I'm going to be tossing the sword out. The play set was my goal. Also on Christmas day we have the big Christmas meal and it was yummy. We also played in the Christmas snow which was light fluffy and angelic! The prefect snow. A perfect Christmas.
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