Right now I am working with my son to understand consequences of actions. Normally he is a very good boy in school. At home he is different but at least at school he knows to behave. As of late though I have been getting notes mentioning he is not doing his work. He messes around thinking he is cute and totally blow what he is to do off. He does this at home too. I called his teacher for I wanted to know more and wonder why he is acting out. I had some theories of his hanging around his Aunt and Uncle and Cousin had something to do with it for they are not the best role models in my book. I wondered does his personality change after being with them? Was it due to my going out for my birthday? It was like after that everything just went to hell. The teacher thinks that if my son feels he has a hard time doing something then he shuts down and does not want to do it. This could be true, but I am a parent at their wits end.
He did get punished for his behavior and he got no treat at the store, lost his PlayStation time too. I also advised his Aunt and Uncle too he gets no treats. They are always stocked with snacks and goodies that his Uncle loves to give him when he is there to visit. My son has a sweet tooth like no get out and wants a dessert after every meal. Trying to teach him that no he does not need a treat after every meal he eats and he need to slow down on his treats consumption, or I give him a healthy alternative like fruits. I have also noticed is I think he does not understand the consequences of actions. He thinks if he bugs the hell out of mama enough I will crack and give in and sometimes I really want to. He really drives you to that point. I wonder does he grasp that if he naughty punishment follows? I think he does but he is just a 5 year old boy testing out his limits once again. Once again today we had the war of the worlds with my son wanting to spend time with his aunt and once again she yelling at him to get away from her. He is just an excited boy that loves and want to spend time with her. Due to her rejection I do swear he does stuff the annoys her on purpose, or maybe she is just an uptight bitch in her older age that does not allow freedom of growth to be a kid anymore. I just wish it to stop as I am tired of being referee of something I do not see as all that horrible. I see no wrong in my son wanting to spend time and cuddle hug with his aunt. She is not that type of person though either which I know all to well from my childhood with her, but my son is and its hard for him to understand. I was like this as well. I did not know that you can't just hug everyone and thus I became seriously shy and kept to myself. Will that become of my son? It may not be so bad if my sister was nicer about it and not yelling like a banshee to him to get out of her sight. He then might understand on the days she does not want to be bothered. Her husband is a bit more easy going and he is not like that with my son really cause he is open and welcome to the love and when Uncle says no my son respects it. Uncle though does have a bad habit of making promises and not following through disappointing a little boys heart. Well for now their is peace.
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