Yes school is out for summer! Today is the last day for preschoolers here. I am really going to miss his school. They were the most wonderful educators and they actually listened to my concerns no matter how big or small. Next school year shall be kindergarten. I am nervous and I of course I know my son is too. I told him Mommy is worried and scared too but we will face it together. I am very proud of him and cannot believe my boy is growing up so fast. Watching him I am just amazed he came from me that I brought him into this world. I dreamed of him and now here he is.
Summer and Working at Home
I now need to find something for him to do over the summer. Not only for my sanity but for his too I think. I am not really sure how I'm going balance him home all day and still trying to work. Work has picked up in the writing business and my son is not liking the increased workload. I have been writing since he has been born so he is used to this so I am not sure I guess it just hit him suddenly that he does not approve. I try to tell him Mommy is getting paid and we need money to buy things....but he still does not approve. We have a very nice routine actually. When he is off to school I get some work in then he is home and we have lunch and spend some time together talking bout school. Then usually at 1 or 2pm I go back to work. I am always available though if he needs me and I am usually done by 4 or 5pm in which I make dinner and we have family time the rest of the night till bedtime. I do workout though around 6pm and he does not like that either and told me he does not care if mommy is fat. Gotta love kids!
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