Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mama Bear Syndrome

What is the Mama Bear Syndrome? The Mama Bear Syndome is based on the bears of the wild. A mother bear is very protective of her cubs and will maul anyone limb from limb if someone trys to harm their cubs. I have discovered that this is me as well. Most mother's out there can relate and also have the Mother Bear Syndrome. We love our children dearly and hell hath no fury if someone harms our loved ones most of all our children. I mentioned in my previous entry that my son was sick. I was thinking it was the flu but something stood out to me that it was something more, something ws not right. I listened to that instinct and took my son to the Doctor. Seems he is severely constipated. I guess he is so constipated that what ever he eats comes right back up. He was given some powered laxtitive that is to help. You can put it in water or juice so my son has the best tasting medicine around, yet it is still torture for him to take it. This morning was a bit hard to get him to drink down his juice, so he drank some then drank the rest later.

Mama Bear Mode

I was quite the grizzley person when my son was not doing well. I was quite concerned and worried a bit insanely about what could be wrong with him, what if this medication does not work and he is still no going poo? How is he going to live? Should I send him back to school? I wanted blood from my doctor that he is so greedy to double book two paitents at the same time and we arrived frist and the other lady go to go in right away. I was ticked he just blew this off as constipation when he was vomiting up everytime he eats. Vomiting after eating is not right, and he vomited again that night after we got home after dinner. Is my doctor sure this is just constipation? I tried to call Ask a Nurse, but that feature has been removed over here. To find a site online to ask a Doctor or Nurse online was going to cost me which made growl even more that I could not find any answers to my childs plight, and healthcare was going to need HEALTH CARE once I was done with it. I was seeing red and no one was going to dismiss my child just cause we were on medical card. I got talked down thankfully and he did poo Saturday. Today he is a little stuck and I have been keeping him on smaller portion meals. My son is quite known for his crazy appetite so he now has to eat very small so we do not have the upchuck incident again. That is untill he starts to get his bowels moving again. Still his mighty appetite remains which it is amazing and all I hear is. "MY TUMMY HUNGRY." *face palms*.

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