Because I am a single mom does not mean I and dead to the world. Which is what I thought, I thought I was trash used damage goods and I was a mom now and I did not deserve to do anything but be a mom. I had closed myself off for 5 years. I am now healed some what and I am ready to open myself up to possible love again. Thing is how now that I have a child? Today's blog I'm posting links to my latest article that got published of recent on Beyond Jane.com
SINGLE MOTHERHOOD AND DATING PART1http://beyondjane.com/relationships/dating/single-motherhood-and-dating/
As I mention in my articles that I do not want my son involved in my dating. I never let the child meet the man if If I happen to get taken out. It really difficult to do though and I just maybe breaking my rule of thumb, but also this man could be someone I want to be in my life and he actually asks how me and my son are doing whenever we talk. Which most guys don't even care to know or respect that fact that I am a mom. Maybe its because I'm an older single mom, but my desperation of having a boyfriend is not my top priority. Yes I would like to date again and have a man, but no man is coming before my child. It will be awhile before I trust him alone with my child. I'm honored and all that you accept me and my son but he is not your responsibility he is mine. We were doing just find before he stepped in. I even kind of don't want a man cause me and my son have such a perfect world and we can be goofy and silly in a pajamas on Saturday mornings. I leave it up to the fates to decide.
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