Tuesday, June 2, 2009

You know you hit mommy-hood when....

You know you hit mommy-hood when...you are counting how many poo poos your little has done like it's casual conversation and really interesting. Then you stop yourself and go OMG! I'm talking about Poo poo what has happened to me!! Yep I'm a mommy and proud of it! With the good and the bad I would not want to change it ever. Especially when you and your little one have established a psychic link. The link goes two ways it seems. You hear about parent know when their child is troubled or in danger. It goes for the the child and parent too. I was out today to a job interview (got job yes!) and my son was upstairs at my sisters and her husbands home. I no sooner come in the the door and go head for the door to the upstairs home when I hear a little voice through the door. I open it and I hear mommy? and I peek around the corner and there is my little one at the top of the stairs. I'm like how did he know I was home...well maybe he heard the car and checked out the window so maybe its not so magical. I really touched my heart though that no sooner did I get inside and here my boy was waiting for me. He really missed me! It just does your heart well to see the smile on your child's face after you been away. I know I'm not the only one to feel this. It is also the reminded after the horrible days your have this is soooo worth it. I am proud and blessed to have this little soul in my life. He keeps it exciting that's for sure!!!

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