Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Birthdays and Holidays

October is actually the start of the the whirlwind. November is the worst due to my son's birthday not being that far from Thanksgiving.

So last week was a bit hectic with birthday celebration, then Thanksgiving. Lets add my power cord to my laptop blew up literally. Blessings came though that I was able to make sure my son had a happy birthday. It was just me and him and it was nice and cozy. He knows it's me and he till the end and he can always count on Mommy. Even though he is close to his Aunt and Uncle we can't count on them really. They give false promises and think he wont remember cause he is just a kid. Oh kids remember and I still remember intentions well said, but empty in the end. Back on to topic we have started a tradition in which we celebrate at Toys R US. He is in their birthday club where he gets a hat and balloon and gift card. He picked out a Scooby Doo game to buy then we went for ice cream and he got a free box of Popsicles. We then went back home to have cake and ice cream. We pretty much lived off of cake and ice cream for that was all we had to eat really. Later in the day his Aunt came with her present which was a new game controller so he could play his new game. When asked at the end of the day if he had a happy birthday he smiled said YEAH! Sadly though he having a hard time letting his birthday go as I tell him his birthday is over now. So he goes around and sing Happy birthday to nobody cause he just gotta sing apparently. It's to cute and I just laugh. So I told him Mommy birthday is next so he excited for Mommy's birthday and wonder if there will be cake. He helped make a cake for me last year and wants to do it again. (With help of course.) Craziness is not over yet as Christmas looms OH MY!!


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