Friday, May 22, 2009

One of the things I didn't know about Motherhood...

One of the things I didn't know about Motherhood is you lose braincells and become space head mommy. I swear after having my child I have gotten dumber yet I know the words to the theme song to Spongebob Squarepants!

My son goes to speech therapy on Thursdays its just an hour and I usually bring my ipod and a book and wait till his session is up. I had no more books to read so I was reduced to reading their lovely magazines. I picked up one of them a parenting magazines to read which I normally despise. At some points they are hard to relate to. I'm not one of them PTO moms that seem to be the norm in those magazines. Most have a partner which most of the women feel don't do their share so at times I feel I am better of being single cause the ones that are married seem miserable and then men in their lives are only good for income and giving them more babies. This is my crude assessment of reading parenting magazines. I wonder why I am reading these parenting magazines. It's tough being a parent in the first place. It's tougher when you have to do it alone. Yet I am kind of happy and I take that challenge.
Yet then again I wonder what do I tell him when he gets older and asks about a Father.
I shall cross that bridge when I come to it.

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